Women in Creative Power (WICP)

WICP is a KA2 Strategic Partnership co-funded by the Erasmus + of the European Union. Led by Formation et Sensibilisation de Luxembourg (Luxembourg), the project involves a transnational partnership with Sweden (SwIdeas AB), Hungary (SZUBJEKTIV ERTEKEK ALAPITVANY), and Slovenia (POVOD, ZAVOD ZA KULTURO IN RAZVOJ MEDNARODNIH ODNOSOV V KULTURI).   

WICP aims to support the full integration of migrant and refugee women into their receiving communities by investing in the development of skills related to entrepreneurship and to the creative sector. This approach emerges from the perception that self-employment and entrepreneurship represent a promising pathway for migrant women to access the labour market. WICP’s main methodological approach will deploy the notions of inclusivity, diversity, and collaboration in Creative and Cultural Industries (CCI) by encouraging migrant and refugee women to develop their creative (artistic and/or cultural) ideas into work, inclusion and self-fulfilment possibilities.  


Project Results

Intellectual Output 4 - Portraying Real Stories

The WICP consortium has collected experiences from a diverse group of people who have been involved in the project, whose experiences can inspire and support a number of migrant and refugee women as they go through the integration process in their host communities. Rather than portraying uniquely stories of success, this task sought to illustrate the real stories of women who have gone through similar processes in the past, both towards being integrated into their host communities as well as towards pursuing entrepreneurial initiatives to achieve their self-sustainability and economic independence. Particularly, this task aimed at sharing experiences and information to migrant and refugee women to support their integration to the European societies and promote a sense of identification and belonging.

Lora Grigorova

Meet Lora Grigorova, Super Muñeca who is a DJ, music producer and audiovisual artist based in Malmö, Sweden, but with multicultural roots from Portugal and Bulgaria. With a background in the field of performative arts, literature and language, Lora is currently an audiovisual producer and freelancer passionate about entrepreneurship and culture. Working for the music label Wanka tanka records, Lora has been implementing a new project called "All is Music", which aims to promote exchange of knowledge on the music industry and related rights between artists in Latin America and Europe

We had the pleasure of meeting Lora within our "Women in Creative Power" EU project, both as a mentee during the mentorship program, and as a participant in the tandem training for creative skills. Lora held also a workshop on the basics of music production during the WICP multiplier event, where she showed the participants that producing music is fun and accessible!

Jenna Jeong

Meet Jenna Jeong, who is an entrepreneur and business owner based in Malmö, Sweden, originally from South Korea Jenna moved to Sweden in 2021 and started her business @jennaskimchi which produces vegan homemade kimchi - Jenna's business idea aims to bring Korean food culture to Sweden! SwIdeas team had the pleasure of meeting Jenna during "Women in Creative Power" project, both as a mentee during the mentorship program, and as a participant in the tandem training for creative skills. Check out Jenna's video interview, where she talks both about her business and the experience of being a migrant woman entrepreneur in Sweden!

Milena & Nicole

Meet Nicole and Milena, two of the participants of our Tandem training, of the WomIn Creative Power project

Nicole moved to Sweden one year ago, and Milena 3 years ago, and both have shared with us some of their experiences in Sweden!

The SwIdeas team had the pleasure of meeting Nicole and Milena during "Women in Creative Power" project as participants in the tandem training for creative skills.

The Team

Let's hear from our team!

Lavinia Apicella and Julia Bittencourt, the organizers of the activities within the @WomIn Creative Power project in Sweden, share their experiences throughout the project activities 🌍✨

In this video, Lavinia and Julia, both migrant women themselves, talk about the challenges they have noticed from migrant women living in Sweden, and what entrepreneurship may represent for them.




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